A couple of years ago I stopped making New Year’s resolutions. Mainly because firstly, I’d make them and by the beginning of March I would have completely forgotten them. Secondly I figured out that I made these resolutions without taking into consideration my daily life and how that schedule would come work in conjunction with all these plans I had just made. A great example would be: I remember saying that one of my New Year’s resolution would be to go to gym twice a day, five days a week.Honestly it sounded easy and attainable, but as soon as you add the school run ( both drop off and pickup my little); extra mural activities; cooking dinner; family time as well as work and other appointments. I realized that I would be spreading yourself way too thin.

Don’t get me wrong, I would actually start my New Year’s resolution. But as soon as life happened, they would fall by the way side. And in most cases, my body would retaliate; meaning I’d get sick and be out of action for a couple of days. This would also get more complicated when my husband is out of town for work.

So, I figured that a vision board would work best for me. I put up my short-term goals and work towards them. And once I’ve reached a goal, I make another. This helps me to constantly see progress and work year-round on goals that I can work into my daily schedule.

The best advice I’ve ever received was “The best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.” Meaning by breaking up my goals to smaller targets, I could easily reach them and I would consistently be seeing progress unlike just being stagnant or even worse regressing. So instead of going to gym twice a day five days a week, I settled on at least going to gym or training once everyday for at least four months then once I’ve reached that target, I will add another target to help reach the initial goal I had.

Do you make New Year’s resolutions and if so how do you make sure you reach them?

Please comment down below.

Love and Light.
